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The SCP Adventure Writing Contest
November 3, 2023
MTF Gamma-9 (“The Silent Partners”) are a newly formed Mobile Task Force, created for the upcoming book SCP: The House of Solomon. They operate at the behest of the O5 Council, with handler Robert Edwards at the helm, executing assignments of critical importance to The SCP Foundation with stealth and precision.

In The House of Solomon, players are catapulted straight into the heart of the action, as they work to unravel a sinister conspiracy poised to eradicate the Foundation entirely. But before this team was the best of the best, what did their first assignment look like?

With the
SCP Adventure Writing Contest, we invite the community to envision what this first mission might have entailed in a self-contained one-shot adventure.

This one-shot should be written as a complete adventure, with a Summary, Setup, Key NPCs, and breakdown of Important Locations. This assignment should allow the individual members of The Silent Partners (the players) to meet for the first time, and bond over the course of the mission. This assignment must be accessible to both combat and stealth approaches, and should deal with an SCP. The chosen SCP should pose a manageable threat to ensure the adventure remains concise and completable within a single session—avoiding apocalyptic SCPs or insta-kill entities that could potentially derail the narrative.

The winners of the competition will have their adventure included as a prologue in SCP: The House of Solomon, and will be duly credited for their contribution. In addition, winners will receive a digital copy of the book before its official release, followed by a physical copy upon its release.

We are excited to see the adventures you'll bring to life!

Competition Guidelines:
Your submission should revolve around the first assignment of The Silent Partners, laying the groundwork for the narrative of SCP: The House of Solomon.

All entries must include a Summary, Setup, Key NPCs, and a breakdown of Important Locations. Submissions should be formatted as a PDF, with a word count not exceeding 4000 words.

All entries must be submitted by
February 23rd, 2024. Winners will be announced March 22nd, 2024.

Submissions will be judged by the Nightshade Games & Pathwalker One teams based on creativity, originality, and adherence to the theme.

Any entries found to have been written with the assistance of AI, plagiarized, or submitted past the deadline will be disqualified.

The rights to all submissions will remain with the original author. By submitting, authors grant us the irrevocable (but not exclusive) permission to publish their adventure within SCP: The House of Solomon.

For any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to us at
 or via the Nightshade Games Discord.

Fear in the Foundation is released under a CC BY SA 3.0 license and distributed by Nightshade Games LLC. Website proudly created with

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Charles Ernest Perron


Dr. Hackie

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